Last Friday, the grade 11s and 12s went to Ulpana to listen to Israeli politician, Danny Ayalon. The program began with an introduction from Rabbi Grauer and a video from Danny Ayalon’s website. We then heard from Israeli Consul General to Toronto and Western Canada, DJ Schneeweiss. During the keynote address, Mr. Ayalon spoke about the very relevant issues of today which have to do with Israel, and what we can do to help. He especially encouraged the use of social medias to spread our messages. It was a very interesting as well as enlightening speech. The program concluded with words of Torah from Rabbi Elan Mazer, who spoke about the Parsha and Shabbat Chevron. Overall, it was an interesting, thought-provoking program. Thank you to the Edell family for their assistance.

– Roni Perez, grade 11 student