On Monday, Ulpana students celebrated Chanukah with the annual Chanukapalooza! The school was divided into teams and participated in Chanukah word searches, trivia questions, picture scavenger hunts, and many other exciting activities. After the fun we enjoyed delicious sufganiot. Thanks to Student Council for all their hard work and effort.
– Leora Goldstein, grade 10 student

As Chanuka activities continued, the school enjoyed a friendly game of family bingo and latkas on Wednesday. On Thursday, the final day of Chanuka, every girl was asked to bring in canned food items so that her grade could compete to build the largest “Can-nukiah”. The canned food will now be donated to a food bank. Overall, the activities throughout all of the days of Channukah ensured a festive holiday for all.
– Yakira Begun, grade 12 student