This Chanuka, we will be sharing brief divrei Torah and thoughts about Chanuka just prior to the times for lighting candles each night. We hope these messages help stimulate conversation and encourage discussion throughout the Chag.
by Mrs. Yael Gelernter
When a person takes possession of a home, there are 3 mitzvot which must be fulfilled: maakeh, mezuzah, and menorah. Maakeh is the obligation to build a fence around the roof, symbolizing the need to protect those in the home from unwanted outside influences. Menorah is a mitzvah we place outside of the home, symbolizing the need to bring the influence from the home into the outside world, and mezuza is the bridge between the two, to remind us that Hashem is watching over everything that comes in and everything that goes out. On this night, the 3rd night of Chanukah, let us remember the messages of the 3 mitzvot.
1) What are we doing to enhance the spirituality and growth in our own homes? (Reading a dvar torah with your family is a good start)
2) What can we do to enhance the spirituality of the world around us? A good place to begin is an act of kindness. Find someone outside of your home to invite over for latkes, to call to see if they are feeling well, to provide a warm smile to, or in some way enhance their day.
3) And, always remember that when seeking to be successful, both in your endeavours in the home and outside of it, the place to turn to for help is Hashem, for it is He who will assist you when in need and will ultimately oversee your success.
A freilichin Chanuka!