Sparks of Light for the sixth night of Chanukah
is dedicated 
in memory of Herschel and Hania Sporer z”l,
beloved founders and supporters of Bnei Akiva Schools


Mrs. Elisheva Reichmann
Mechanechet, Ulpanat Orot


The miracle of Chanukah is interesting for a number of reasons. Particularly striking is how unnecessary the miracle itself was. Had they not found the oil, they simply would not have lit the Menorah. Moreover, considering the communal impurity at the time, lighting an impure oil lamp jug would have been acceptable according the Torah Law.

Why did Hashem do this? Because He wanted to show His love for the Jewish people. He went beyond what was necessary, exclusively to show His love for us. As a result, we emulate Him by going beyond the necessity of the mitzvah. Instead of lighting a single light each night (the minimum requirement), we add new ones every night. Often our children light as well. The more candles the better. This is our way of highlighting the unnecessary miracle whereby Hashem expressed His love for us.

The name Chanukah stems from the work “chinuch”, best translated as “inauguration”. It is no coincidence “chinuch” is also the Hebrew word for “education”. As with Chanukah, we recognize that whether it is a rededication, or a continued effort in education, the best – and only way – to set course is by striving for excellence. While life is filled with compromise, we should never settle for mediocrity. By going beyond what’s necessary is how we show our love, and that is how we achieve our dreams.