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Kulanu Mishpacha 5780 – Update 4

by Annie Rosenblum | 1/12/2020

I had the zechut of being one of the four lucky girls who got to go on the grade 10 Israel program this year. I can really say that deciding to go on this program was the best decision I have ever made, and it has really changed my life. I got to experience Israel in a whole new different lens. I have been to Israel before, but as a tourist. I now got to be in Israel as an Israeli. I was hosted by 2 Israeli families. Although it was very different living in a completely Israeli home than what I was used to, they were so welcoming and warm. I really got to practice and improve my Hebrew, while they also got to practice their English. I got the opportunity to go to Bnei Akiva and Ezra on Tuesdays and Shabbats with the girls who we were staying at. We went to school together everyday, and I just lived the life of a 15 year old Israeli girl. It was incredible really being immersed in Israeli society for 4 weeks. On Thursday night we had a goodbye party with our whole grade, and it was really bittersweet. And on our final Motzash we had a goodbye party with all the host families. It’s amazing to know that the four of us now have two sets of families who will always be here for us in Israel!

Kulanu Mishpacha 5780 – Update 3

by Emma Muscat | 1/7/2020

Our trip in Israel is sadly coming to an end, but there are so many amazing things I am able to look back on. I have made so many new friends at the Ulpana. The girls have been so welcoming and I’m going to miss them so so much. I’m sure these friendships will last a long time and I will definitely be in touch with all the new friends I’ve made. In the ulpana I have learnt so much; the teachers have been so accommodating and helped explain to me any Hebrew words I didn’t understand. It is so interesting learning in a new environment it’s so fascinating to see the different ways people learn. In school we had an assembly about the 10 B‘Tevet. It was so nice to see everyone come together. Our grade specifically made the decorations and helped organize the assembly‘s program. It was incredible to feel a part of this community and to be involved in their school. It’s so sad to see this trip come to an end but I’m happy to know that I’m leaving with this amazing experience and a whole new group of amazing people in my life.

Kulanu Mishpacha 5780 – Update 2

by Emma Muscat | 12/30/2019

This past Monday we went to the Knesset, which was a really amazing experience. In addition to learning about the Knesset, we got to experience it in a whole new perspective. We were able to see one of the most important buildings in Israel first hand. We even saw the Declaration of Independence with all the signatures. Something new that I learned was that the signatures were written on the paper even before the declaration was written, and later when the laws were finalized, the rest written out. We then saw the inside of the Knesset where they pass laws. It was really interesting to see how the seats in the Knesset are in the shape of a menorah. I found it fascinating how the Knesset is on top of a hill overlooking the whole city and when you look out the windows you see all the houses. Anyone working in the building looks out and sees Israeli homes and remembers what they are really working towards and who they represent. We all had an incredible time and we all learned so much.

Kulanu Mishpacha 5780 – Update 1

by Leora Tenenbaum | 12/23/2019

On Sunday night (the first night of Chanuka) we went to Pina Chama to help out at the soldiers’ Chanuka party. The Pina Chama is a centre where soldiers have access to freshly cooked meals, supplies and a warm environment to relax and recharge in Gush Etzion. Founded by Ruti Gillis and Ossy Sasson in memory of their husbands who were both murdered in terrorist attacks in Gush Etzion, the Pina Chama is truly an incredible place and we are so appreciative to have had the merit to see and take part of the true Chessed that happens there. Our job was to prepare and serve hot pancakes to the soldiers. We had lots of fun and everyone enjoyed the pancakes and greeted us warmly, asking us about where we are from, our trip to Israel and thanking us for the delicious food. Though it was just for a few hours, the experience was very valuable for us on this program. It served as a reminder to us about the importance of giving thanks, especially to the men and women, that are just a few years older than us, who defend our home every day. Even through tiny acts, like making pancakes, we all have the ability to express gratitude and should never take anything for granted.

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