BAS Leadership

Mr. Hillel Rapp
E: hrapp@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 242
Mr. Hillel Rapp
Mr. Hillel Rapp joined the Bnei Akiva Schools administration in 2016 with an extensive background in both Jewish education and finance. Previously in education, Mr. Rapp was the Dean of Students at Ramaz Upper School where he oversaw co-curricular programming featuring more than 80 after-school activities. He also designed curricula and taught courses in Economics, Business, History and Philosophy. In finance, Mr. Rapp managed business development and investor relations, specializing in hedge fund and private equity investments, at Dunbar Capital Management in New York City and Exigent Alternative Capital in Israel. Mr. Rapp holds a B.A. in Psychology from Yeshiva University where he also worked as a Project Manager for YU’s Center for the Jewish Future. Mr. Rapp and his wife, Racheli (Meister ’01), have three children, Jack, Keira and Aiden.

Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer
Rosh Yeshiva & Head of School
E: rabbigrauer@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 250
Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer
Rosh Yeshiva & Head of School
Rabbi Seth Grauer has been the Rosh Yeshiva and Head of School since 2013. Since joining Bnei Akiva Schools, Rabbi Grauer has overseen increased enrollment, significant building improvements, the creation of a mega endowment, and the growth of our educational offerings and religious programming. He also serves as the Honourary President of Mizrachi Canada. Rabbi Grauer previously served as the Assistant Principal at Yeshiva University High School for Girls (“Central”) in New York and was a leading educator for nine years at Ramaz Upper School in Manhattan. Rabbi Grauer worked with teenagers at various summer camps for eight years, and served for five years as the Associate Rabbi at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue in Manhattan. Rabbi Grauer studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel for two years, served as their Director of Alumni Affairs for nearly five years, is a member of their Board of Directors and is the current Chair of their Rabbinic Committee. He was honoured as their Alumnus of the Year in 2010. Rabbi Grauer received his B.A. in History (honours) from Yeshiva University, his semicha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) of Yeshiva University, and his doctorate in Education from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. He also earned a J.D. from Fordham Law School and served as editor of the Environmental Law Journal. Rabbi Grauer was a Rabbinic Court Intern at the Beth Din of America and a Legal Intern at the New York State Supreme Court and the New York State Office of the Attorney General. He belongs to the inaugural cohort of Sacks Scholars, a premier Jewish educational and leadership initiative utilizing the teachings of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l to address emerging challenges facing the Jewish world and society as a whole. Rabbi Grauer and his wife Leba have four children: Yonina (’21), Yosef (’23), Gila (Grade 10) and JJ (Grade 1 at Netivot).

Rabbi Gavry Mandel
Managing Director
E: gmandel@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 224
Rabbi Gavry Mandel
Managing Director
Rabbi Gavry Mandel studied at Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem for five years. While there, he developed a very close relationship with its founder, Rabbi Noah Weinberg, of blessed memory. Rabbi Mandel has been involved in Jewish education for over fifteen years, working with a number of organizations. For three years, he served as a campus rabbi for the students of the University of Western Ontario, in London. Rabbi Mandel was the Associate Director of NCSY Canada for five years. In that position, he managed a staff of 40, running programs across Canada which reached over 3,000 teens annually. Rabbi Mandel is also the author of the acclaimed Judaism Unravelled, published by Feldheim Publishers in 2016. Rabbi Mandel and his wife, Dr. Deena Herman (a Family Medicine Resident at North York General Hopsital and alumna of Ulpanat Orot), have three children, Yissy, Nava and David.

Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer
Rosh Yeshiva & Head of School
E: rabbigrauer@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 250
Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer
Rosh Yeshiva & Head of School
Rabbi Seth Grauer has been the Rosh Yeshiva and Head of School since 2013. Since joining Bnei Akiva Schools, Rabbi Grauer has overseen increased enrollment, significant building improvements, the creation of a mega endowment, and the growth of our educational offerings and religious programming. He also serves as the Honourary President of Mizrachi Canada. Rabbi Grauer previously served as the Assistant Principal at Yeshiva University High School for Girls (“Central”) in New York and was a leading educator for nine years at Ramaz Upper School in Manhattan. Rabbi Grauer worked with teenagers at various summer camps for eight years, and served for five years as the Associate Rabbi at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue in Manhattan. Rabbi Grauer studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel for two years, served as their Director of Alumni Affairs for nearly five years, is a member of their Board of Directors and is the current Chair of their Rabbinic Committee. He was honoured as their Alumnus of the Year in 2010. Rabbi Grauer received his B.A. in History (honours) from Yeshiva University, his semicha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) of Yeshiva University, and his doctorate in Education from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. He also earned a J.D. from Fordham Law School and served as editor of the Environmental Law Journal. Rabbi Grauer was a Rabbinic Court Intern at the Beth Din of America and a Legal Intern at the New York State Supreme Court and the New York State Office of the Attorney General. He belongs to the inaugural cohort of Sacks Scholars, a premier Jewish educational and leadership initiative utilizing the teachings of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l to address emerging challenges facing the Jewish world and society as a whole. Rabbi Grauer and his wife Leba have four children: Yonina (’21), Yosef (’23), Gila (Grade 10) and JJ (Grade 1 at Netivot).

Mr. Hillel Rapp
E: hrapp@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 242
Mr. Hillel Rapp
Mr. Hillel Rapp joined the Bnei Akiva Schools administration in 2016 with an extensive background in both Jewish education and finance. Previously in education, Mr. Rapp was the Dean of Students at Ramaz Upper School where he oversaw co-curricular programming featuring more than 80 after-school activities. He also designed curricula and taught courses in Economics, Business, History and Philosophy. In finance, Mr. Rapp managed business development and investor relations, specializing in hedge fund and private equity investments, at Dunbar Capital Management in New York City and Exigent Alternative Capital in Israel. Mr. Rapp holds a B.A. in Psychology from Yeshiva University where he also worked as a Project Manager for YU’s Center for the Jewish Future. Mr. Rapp and his wife, Racheli (Meister ’01), have three children, Jack, Keira and Aiden.

Rabbi Gavry Mandel
Managing Director
E: gmandel@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 224
Rabbi Gavry Mandel
Managing Director
Rabbi Gavry Mandel studied at Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem for five years. While there, he developed a very close relationship with its founder, Rabbi Noah Weinberg, of blessed memory. Rabbi Mandel has been involved in Jewish education for over ten years, working with a number of organizations. For three years, he served as a campus rabbi for the students of the University of Western Ontario, in London. Rabbi Mandel was the Associate Director of NCSY Canada for five years. In that position, he managed a staff of 40, running programs across Canada which reached over 3,000 teens annually. Rabbi Mandel is also the author of the acclaimed Judaism Unravelled, published by Feldheim Publishers in 2016. Rabbi Mandel and his wife, Dr. Deena Herman (an Internal Medicine Resident at Sunnybrook Hopsital), have three children, Yissy, Nava and David.
Yeshivat Or Chaim Administration
Yeshivat Or Chaim Administration
Ulpanat Orot Administration

Mr. Jonathan Parker
Assistant Principal & Director of Education
E: jparker@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 222
Mr. Jonathan Parker
Assistant Principal & Director of Education
Mr. Jonathan Parker was born in Buffalo, New York, and has been teaching in Toronto since 2003, when he began at Yeshivat Or Chaim and Ulpanat Orot as an English teacher. He has undergraduate degrees in English and History from S.U.N.Y. Binghamton, a Master’s Degree in Teaching English from Boston University, and is a graduate of the Senior Educators Program at Hebrew University where he wrote his thesis on Tanakh education. After four years of teaching English at Bnei Akiva Schools, Mr. Parker taught Judaic Studies at Associated Hebrew Schools. Following that, he taught Social Sciences at TanenbaumCHAT and was the Dean of Students, in addition to being Advanced Placement Program coordinator. Mr. Parker received his Principal’s Qualification from York University. Mr. Parker returned to Bnei Akiva Schools in 2017, and currently oversees Or Chaim’s day-to-day operations, focusing on attendance, discipline and the smooth running of the school-wide systems. He also coaches the Junior Volleyball team and coordinates the Duke of Edinburgh program. Mr. Parker recently graduated from the Mandel Teacher Education Institute, with a focus on evaluation and professional development practices.

Rabbi Eddie Shostak
E: eshostak@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 247
Rabbi Eddie Shostak
Rabbi Eddie Shostak was born and raised in Montreal, and over the past 20+ years his communal involvement has spanned the spectrum of their Jewish community as rabbi, teacher, non-profit professional and school administrator. He most recently served as the K-11 School Rabbi of the Hebrew Academy in Montreal. In his new position at YOC, Rabbi Shostak embraces a role that will allow him to continue to serve as a dedicated mechanech and administrator. He looks forward to becoming a voice of Torah and life guidance for all YOC students. As Menahel, Rabbi Shostak oversees Or Chaim’s entire Limudei Kodesh program, including shiurim, matmidim, mishmar, minyanim, extra learning initiatives, our rebbeim and rebbe shabbatonim.

Mrs. Sharon Fixler
Assistant Principal
E: sfixler@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 434
Mrs. Sharon Fixler
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sharon Fixler has been working at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2005. In addition to teaching English and Writer’s Craft, Mrs. Fixler has also been active in initiating and leading programs in the school over the years, such as the annual speech contest, intergenerational book club, and the warm clothing drive to benefit United Chesed. Beyond her involvement with Bnei Akiva Schools, Mrs. Fixler has been privileged to speak at various women’s learning programs in the city for the past fifteen years. Mrs. Fixler is a proud graduate of Ulpanat Orot, Michlalah Jerusalem College for Women, and York University, where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in English. Most recently, she completed YU Lead, a year-long leadership program run through Yeshiva University.

Mrs. Emma Taylor
Assistant Principal
E: etaylor@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 440
Mrs. Emma Taylor
Assistant Principal
Hailing from London, UK, Mrs. Emma Taylor moved to Toronto in 2022 with her husband, Rabbi Sam Taylor, Senior Rabbi at Shaarei Shomayim, and their four children. Mrs. Taylor has a degree in History from Kings College London and a Master’s in Education and Special Education from Touro College, New York. She has taught History in schools in London, most recently in Hasmonean High School, where she was also the Director of Jewish Living and the Head of PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). Mrs. Taylor has also been an active rebbetzin in the Marble Arch Synagogue in central London and Borehamwood & Elstree Synagogue, the largest Orthodox shul in Europe. After completing the Chief Rabbi’s Ma’ayan program, she has been a Torah educator in many shuls across London. As Assistant Principal, Mrs. Taylor will manage, guide and lead all student programming at Ulpana.

Mr. Gerald Lazar
E: glazar@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 237
Mr. Gerald Lazar
Mr. Gerald Lazar has worked at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2007. He has taught a variety of courses including English, World History, Jewish History, Dramatic Arts and Law. Currently, he manages Yeshivat Or Chaim’s guidance, admissions and student activities. Mr. Lazar has an Honours B.A. in History and Religious Studies, a B.Ed., and an M.A. in History. He also has a certificate from Yeshiva University’s Lead course, and Guidance Specialist certification and Principalship Qualifications from Queens University. Known for its welcoming environment, Mr. Lazar’s office is often full of students working on multiple projects.

Mrs. Miriam Klein
Director of Educational Support
E: mklein@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 230
Mrs. Miriam Klein
Director of Educational Support
Mrs. Miriam Klein has worked as a teacher and student support staff for over 15 years. Prior to joining Bnei Akiva Schools, she worked in Netivot HaTorah Day School in various grades both in General and Judaic Studies. Mrs. Klein received her degree in Education and Special Education from the University of Toronto and is an active member of the Ontario College of Teachers. She believes strongly in student support and ensuring the students can meet with success academically, socially and emotionally. Mrs. Klein works closely with the students, parents and faculty at Bnei Akiva Schools to ensure an inclusive environment for all types of learners.

Mrs. Shira Lipner
Director of Judaic Studies
E: slipner@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 433
Mrs. Shira Lipner
Director of Judaic Studies
Mrs. Shira Lipner is in her third year as Director of Judaic Studies at Ulpanat Orot, and has been involved in Jewish education for the past 18 years as an esteemed Judaic Studies teacher at Tiferes Bais Yaakov and more recently, at the only seminary in Toronto, Maayanos. She has taught almost every Limudei Kodesh subject and has created curricula for several courses that are currently being taught in both institutions, as well as coordinating the Yimei Iyun for Tiferes. After graduating from Ulpana, Mrs. Lipner attended Michlelet Orot, and then obtained her BA (Hon) in Psychology from York University and her MA in Child Study and Education from OISE/UT. She currently serves as the Rebbetzin of Shaarei Tefillah Congregation, where she coordinates and runs the Bat Mitzvah Program, as well as gives guidance and shiurim to women and is a kallah teacher. Notwithstanding her professional experience, her greatest educational challenge continues to take place in her home with her husband and eight beautiful children.

Ms. Miriam Bessin
Dean of Students
E: mbessin@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 426
Ms. Miriam Bessin
Dean of Students
Ms. Miriam Bessin was born and raised in Toronto. After graduating from Ulpana, Miriam spent a year pursuing Judaic Studies in Midreshet HaRova in Jerusalem. She returned to Toronto where she completed her B.A. (Honours) in Religious Studies as well as a B.Ed. in Education at York University. Most recently, she obtained her certificate in Experiential Jewish Education from Yeshiva University. Lovingly referred to as “Prof” by her students, she has been teaching Tanach and Physical Education at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2009.

Mrs. Shari Weinberg
Director of Guidance
E: sweinber@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 438
Mrs. Shari Weinberg
Director of Guidance
Mrs. Shari Weinberg has been a vital part of Ulpanat Orot over the past 30 years. She has held an administrative role for the last 14 years while continuing to teach Physical Education. At Ulpana, Mrs. Weinberg provides guidance to our girls on a daily basis and especially in advance of their post-secondary academic decisions. Mrs. Weinberg has also been instrumental in the introduction and success of alumni and career days. Mrs. Weinberg has principal certification and is a Specialist in Guidance Education. Her door is always open, as students and staff alike seek her guidance and level-headed decision-making skills.

Mrs. Miriam Klein
Director of Educational Support
E: mklein@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 230
Mrs. Miriam Klein
Director of Educational Support
Mrs. Miriam Klein has worked as a teacher and student support staff for over 15 years. Prior to joining Bnei Akiva Schools, she worked in Netivot HaTorah Day School in various grades both in General and Judaic Studies. Mrs. Klein received her degree in Education and Special Education from the University of Toronto and is an active member of the Ontario College of Teachers. She believes strongly in student support and ensuring the students can meet with success academically, socially and emotionally. Mrs. Klein works closely with the students, parents and faculty at Bnei Akiva Schools to ensure an inclusive environment for all types of learners.

Mr. Jonathan Parker
Assistant Principal & Director of Education
E: jparker@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 222
Mr. Jonathan Parker
Assistant Principal & Director of Education
Mr. Jonathan Parker was born in Buffalo, New York, and has been teaching in Toronto since 2003, when he began at Yeshivat Or Chaim and Ulpanat Orot as an English teacher. He has undergraduate degrees in English and History from S.U.N.Y. Binghamton, a Master’s Degree in Teaching English from Boston University, and is a graduate of the Senior Educators Program at Hebrew University where he wrote his thesis on Tanakh education. After four years of teaching English at Bnei Akiva Schools, Mr. Parker taught Judaic Studies at Associated Hebrew Schools. Following that, he taught Social Sciences at TanenbaumCHAT and was the Dean of Students, in addition to being Advanced Placement Program coordinator. Mr. Parker received his Principal’s Qualification from York University. Mr. Parker returned to Bnei Akiva Schools in 2017, and currently oversees Or Chaim’s day-to-day operations, focusing on attendance, discipline and the smooth running of the school-wide systems. He also coaches the Junior Volleyball team and coordinates the Duke of Edinburgh program. Mr. Parker recently graduated from the Mandel Teacher Education Institute, with a focus on evaluation and professional development practices.

Rabbi Eddie Shostak
E: eshostak@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 247
Rabbi Eddie Shostak
Rabbi Eddie Shostak was born and raised in Montreal, and over the past 20+ years his communal involvement has spanned the spectrum of their Jewish community as rabbi, teacher, non-profit professional and school administrator. He most recently served as the K-11 School Rabbi of the Hebrew Academy in Montreal. In his new position at YOC, Rabbi Shostak embraces a role that will allow him to continue to serve as a dedicated mechanech and administrator. He looks forward to becoming a voice of Torah and life guidance for all YOC students. As Menahel, Rabbi Shostak oversees Or Chaim’s entire Limudei Kodesh program, including shiurim, matmidim, mishmar, minyanim, extra learning initiatives, our rebbeim and rebbe shabbatonim.

Mr. Gerald Lazar
E: glazar@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 237
Mr. Gerald Lazar
Mr. Gerald Lazar has worked at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2007. He has taught a variety of courses including English, World History, Jewish History, Dramatic Arts and Law. Currently, he manages Yeshivat Or Chaim’s guidance, admissions and student activities. Mr. Lazar has an Honours B.A. in History and Religious Studies, a B.Ed., and an M.A. in History. He also has a certificate from Yeshiva University’s Lead course, and Guidance Specialist certification and Principalship Qualifications from Queens University. Known for its welcoming environment, Mr. Lazar’s office is often full of students working on multiple projects.

Mrs. Miriam Klein
Director of Educational Support
E: mklein@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 230
Mrs. Miriam Klein
Director of Educational Support
Mrs. Miriam Klein has worked as a teacher and student support staff for over 15 years. Prior to joining Bnei Akiva Schools, she worked in Netivot HaTorah Day School in various grades both in General and Judaic Studies. Mrs. Klein received her degree in Education and Special Education from the University of Toronto and is an active member of the Ontario College of Teachers. She believes strongly in student support and ensuring the students can meet with success academically, socially and emotionally. Mrs. Klein works closely with the students, parents and faculty at Bnei Akiva Schools to ensure an inclusive environment for all types of learners.
Ulpanat Orot Administration

Mrs. Sharon Fixler
Assistant Principal
E: sfixler@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 434
Mrs. Sharon Fixler
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sharon Fixler has been working at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2005. In addition to teaching English and Writer’s Craft, Mrs. Fixler has also been active in initiating and leading programs in the school over the years, such as the annual speech contest, intergenerational book club, and the warm clothing drive to benefit United Chesed. Beyond her involvement with Bnei Akiva Schools, Mrs. Fixler has been privileged to speak at various women’s learning programs in the city for the past fifteen years. Mrs. Fixler is a proud graduate of Ulpanat Orot, Michlalah Jerusalem College for Women, and York University, where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in English. Most recently, she completed YU Lead, a year-long leadership program run through Yeshiva University.

Mrs. Shira Lipner
Director of Judaic Studies
E: slipner@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 433
Mrs. Shira Lipner
Director of Judaic Studies
Mrs. Shira Lipner is in her second year as Director of Judaic Studies at Ulpanat Orot, and has been involved in Jewish education for the past 18 years as an esteemed Judaic Studies teacher at Tiferes Bais Yaakov and more recently, at the only seminary in Toronto, Maayanos. She has taught almost every Limudei Kodesh subject and has created curricula for several courses that are currently being taught in both institutions, as well as coordinating the Yimei Iyun for Tiferes. After graduating from Ulpana, Mrs. Lipner attended Michlelet Orot, and then obtained her BA (Hon) in Psychology from York University and her MA in Child Study and Education from OISE/UT. She currently serves as the Rebbetzin of Shaarei Tefillah Congregation, where she coordinates and runs the Bat Mitzvah Program, as well as gives guidance and shiurim to women and is a kallah teacher. Notwithstanding her professional experience, her greatest educational challenge continues to take place in her home with her husband and eight beautiful children.

Mrs. Shari Weinberg
Director of Guidance
E: sweinber@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 438
Mrs. Shari Weinberg
Director of Guidance
Mrs. Shari Weinberg has been a vital part of Ulpanat Orot over the past 30 years. She has held an administrative role for the last 14 years while continuing to teach Physical Education. At Ulpana, Mrs. Weinberg provides guidance to our girls on a daily basis and especially in advance of their post-secondary academic decisions. Mrs. Weinberg has also been instrumental in the introduction and success of alumni and career days. Mrs. Weinberg has principal certification and is a Specialist in Guidance Education. Her door is always open, as students and staff alike seek her guidance and level-headed decision-making skills.

Ms. Miriam Bessin
Dean of Students
E: mbessin@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 426
Ms. Miriam Bessin
Dean of Students
Ms. Miriam Bessin was born and raised in Toronto. After graduating from Ulpana, Miriam spent a year pursuing Judaic Studies in Midreshet HaRova in Jerusalem. She returned to Toronto where she completed her B.A. (Honours) in Religious Studies as well as a B.Ed. in Education at York University. Most recently, she obtained her certificate in Experiential Jewish Education from Yeshiva University. Lovingly referred to as “Prof” by her students, she has been teaching Tanach and Physical Education at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2009.

Mrs. Emma Taylor
Assistant Principal
E: mtaylor@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 638-5434 ext. 440
Mrs. Emma Taylor
Assistant Principal
Hailing from London, UK, Mrs. Emma Taylor moved to Toronto in 2022 with her husband, Rabbi Sam Taylor, Senior Rabbi at Shaarei Shomayim, and their four children. Mrs. Taylor has a degree in History from Kings College London and a Master’s in Education and Special Education from Touro College, New York. She has taught History in schools in London, most recently in Hasmonean High School, where she was also the Director of Jewish Living and the Head of PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). Mrs. Taylor has also been an active rebbetzin in the Marble Arch Synagogue in central London and Borehamwood & Elstree Synagogue, the largest Orthodox shul in Europe. After completing the Chief Rabbi’s Ma’ayan program, she has been a Torah educator in many shuls across London. As Assistant Principal, Mrs. Taylor will manage, guide and lead all student programming at Ulpana.

Rabbi Nissan Applebaum
Judaic Studies
E: napplebaum@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Nissan Applebaum
Judaic Studies
Rabbi Nissan Applebaum grew up in Winnipeg. He received semicha from Rabbi E. Wolfe z”l, Rosh Kollel Dirshu. After living in Israel for twenty years, he returned to Canada and has since been inspiring young minds in our community. Rabbi Applebaum taught at TanenbaumCHAT for nine years and at Or Chaim for 12 years as Mashgiach Ruchani. He is thrilled to have returned to Or Chaim for a new generation of students to experience his warmth, enthusiasm for learning and sharp sense of humour.

Mrs. Rachel Belzberg
Science and Mathematics
E: rbelzberg@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Rachel Belzberg
Science and Mathematics
Mrs. Rachel Belzberg has been teaching Science and Math at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2011. After earning an Honours Bachelors of Science from York University, she went on to complete a Masters of Science in Education. Outside of the classroom, Mrs. Belzberg enjoys cooking and various outdoor activities.
Mrs. Belzberg’s calm and caring nature combine with her high expectations to help students achieve success in the classroom and after high school.

Ms. Allison Beula
E: abeula@bastoronto.org
Ms. Allison Beula
Allison Beula holds an Honours B.A.A. in film and is a recipient of the “Norman Jewison Filmmaker” Award. She furthered her training at The Randolph College For The Performing Arts, for whom she currently Directs, Choreographs, and Instructs. She is also on faculty for The Avenue Road Arts School and VIBE Arts. She has lead workshops and classes for dozens of institutions including: Mirvish (Lion King),The Toronto and Catholic School Board, OISE, and The Ontario School of Ballet, to name a few. She trained with Upright Citizens Brigade and Dance Manhattan (NYC), and is a graduate of the Second City Conservatory Program. Allison is a two-time recipient of an Ontario Arts Council grant for “Artists in Education”. Her choreography can be seen in the video “Hypnotized” (Jeffery Straker) which hit the “MMM” Top 10. She also choreographed for “CBC-CBC Days Live” and she continues to direct and choreograph multiple productions across the city every year. She recently made her television series debut as a principal lead, performing “DURP-E” the loveable robot, in Season One of “Oh Yuck!” which debuted this past year in Australia and will be airing in North America imminently.

Mrs. Monica Chocron
Science and Mathematics
E: mchocron@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Monica Chocron
Science and Mathematics
Mrs. Monica Chocron earned a summa cum laude Licentiate of Education degree from the University Andres Bello (Caracas, Venezuela) with a specialization in Physics and Mathematics. For the first 14 years of her teaching career, Mrs. Chocron taught at the Colegio Moral y Luces Herzl-Bialik in Caracas (where she herself previously studied), teaching in the classroom and working as the Physics Department Chair. She received special recognition for uninterrupted service and a prize of excellence for teacher’s performance given by Keren Chinuch Caracas. In 2002, she and her family moved to Canada, where she had worked at Associated Hebrew Schools for seven years. Since 2009, Mrs. Chocron has been teaching Science, Physics, and Mathematics at both Yeshivat Or Chaim and Ulpanat Orot. Over the past five years, her Physics students have won the Weizmann Safe Competition in Canada three times and competed in the finals in Israel.

Rabbi Akiva Danzinger
Ivrit Department Head and Director of Educational Development
E: adanzinger@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Akiva Danzinger
Ivrit Department Head and Director of Educational Development
Rabbi Akiva Danzinger was raised in both Israel and Toronto. He attended yeshivot in France, Israel, and the United States. He received his rabbinical ordination in Venice, Italy. Rabbi Danzinger has a Masters of Education from Brandeis University and is a Legacy Heritage Teacher Leader Fellow. He has taught a range of Judaic subjects in a number of Toronto Jewish day schools, including The Toronto Heschel School, Associated Hebrew Schools and TanenbaumCHAT. Rabbi Danzinger promotes the advantages of a chevruta-style of learning and feels passionately about fostering in his students higher-order and critical thinking. When not analyzing arcane Jewish legal responsa of contemporary rabbinic sages, Rabbi Danzinger enjoys camping, scuba-diving and horseback riding. He lives in Toronto with his wife and their three children.

Mrs. Rina Deutsch
Judaic Studies, Ivrit
E: rdeutsch@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Rina Deutsch
Judaic Studies, Ivrit
Mrs. Rina Deutsch was born and raised in Toronto and was a founding member of the BAYT Youth when she moved to Thornhill at the age of 4. She was the director of the NCSY Jewish Family Experience and is involved in informal education in different areas of the Jewish community. Rina has led four groups of women to Israel with the JWRP over the past 3 years, introducing them to Judaism and the land of Israel in a whole new light. She attended Eitz Chaim and Ulpanat Orot before spending a year in Israel at Midreshet HaRova. After receiving an Honours BA in English Literature from York University and having 4 children, Rina returned to school and gained a certificate in makeup artistry. In addition to her role at BAS, she runs her own makeup business, Eizeh Yofi, doing makeup for simchas and events. Rina lives with her 5 children, and way too much laundry, in Thornhill.

Rabbi Ezer Diena
Information Technology Manager; Judaic Studies, Science and Mathematics
E: ediena@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Ezer Diena
Information Technology Manager; Judaic Studies, Science and Mathematics
A local Torontonian, Rabbi Ezer Diena attended Ner Yisrael Yeshiva for high school, and studied in Israel for two years at Yeshivas Toras Moshe under Rabbi Michel Shurkin, a premier student of Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik. Rabbi Diena returned to Toronto to study at York University, where he received his B.Sc. (Honours Chemistry) and B.Ed., and obtained OCT certification to teach Math and Science at the high school level. Upon graduation, while teaching part-time at Yeshivat Or Chaim, Rabbi Diena joined Beit Midrash Zichron Dov, where he served as an Avreich, as well as BAYT, where he served as Rabbinic Assistant. He is married to Thornhill native Chaya (Benmergui), and they have a daughter, Hudi, and son, Zev.

Mr. Rich Dlin
E: rdlin@bastoronto.org
Mr. Rich Dlin
Mr. Rich Dlin is a veteran education who believes that guiding young people along their path is one of the highest honours and greatest responsibilities. This is why he is drawn to education and why he has been so focused on improving the student experience. Mr. Dlin’s journey as an educator includes university lecturer, international lecturer, high school teacher and math department head. He has undergraduate and graduate degrees in mathematics from the University of Waterloo and a degree in education from the University of Western Ontario. Mr. Dlin is passionate about the joy of learning and has found that the study of mathematics is a perfect path to discovering that joy.

Ms. Atara English
Social Worker
E: aenglish@bastoronto.org
Ms. Atara English
Social Worker
Ms. Atara English is an Ulpanat Orot alumna and holds an MSW degree from Wurzweiler School of Social Work. After graduating Ulpana she completed her year in Israel and then attended York University where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities. She has experience working with children and youth in schools and community agencies throughout Toronto. She builds on students’ strengths and believes in empowering them to reach their full potential. Atara enjoys meeting with students, creating therapeutic relationships and promoting mental wellness within the school culture!

Mrs. Sara Erlich
E: serlich@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Sara Erlich
Mrs. Sara Erlich graduated from Telma Yelin School with a degree in Musical Studies, and obtained her Bachelors degree in Hebrew Literature and Philosophy from Tel Aviv University after completing her military service. Prior to working at Bnei Akiva Schools, Mrs. Erlich taught literature and language to Grades 7–10 in Israel. Mrs. Erlich has been teaching Ivrit at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2006. Over the past few years, Mrs. Erlich has further developed the Ivrit curriculum. Mrs. Erlich has a great passion and devotion for the Hebrew language which she enjoys passing on to her pupils, emphasizing the language to be a fundamental requirement at Bnei Akiva Schools. She has had many students contact her from Israel thanking her for the level of Hebrew mastery that she has been able to instill.el.

Ms. Lindsay Feuer
Social Worker
E: lfeuer@bastoronto.org

Mr. Jamin Finkelstein
Mathematics and Science
E: jfinkelstein@bastoronto.org
Mr. Jamin Finkelstein
Mathematics and Science
Mr. Jamin Finkelstein teaches Math and Science at Bnei Akiva Schools. He has an M.Sc. in Education from Niagara University and a M.Sc. in Environmental Science with major in Atmospheric Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. After finishing his first degree, Mr. Finkelstein worked as a meteorologist for various radio stations and newspapers in Switzerland before moving to Canada in 2021. Mr. Finkelstein started his teaching career at Tiferes Bais Yaakov and is happy to start a new chapter at Bnei Akiva Schools. In his free time Mr. Finkelstein still loves to predict and enjoy (extreme) weather. He lives “down South” with his wife Mara and their one daughter, Na’ama.

Mrs. Nadia Glick
Mathematics and Social Sciences
E: nglick@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Nadia Glick
Mathematics and Social Sciences
Mrs. Nadia Glick studied Mathematics and Business at the University of Western Ontario and later pursued a teaching degree at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Over the last few years, she has taught a variety of Math, Business and Science courses at TanenbaumCHAT and Associated Hebrew Schools. Mrs. Glick aims to create a classroom that is inclusive, well-structured and inviting. She likes to challenge her students to their full potential and aims to meet the needs of various types of learners.

Mrs. Faigy Grunfeld
Judaic Studies
E: fgrunfeld@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Faigy Grunfeld
Judaic Studies
As a high school history teacher and an adult lecturer in Jewish history, Mrs. Faigy Grunfeld has always been intrigued by the narrative of humanity in general and of the Jewish people in particular. With a strong emphasis on primary source material ranging from rabbinic responsa to personal letters and journals to legal documents, she has designed curricula which explore the social history of Ashkenazic Jewry and lectured on the topic for Partners in Torah Detroit. She holds a BA in History from LCW (Manhattan) and is a feature writer for Hamodia, as well as a freelance writer for Jewish Action and The Jewish Press. One of her greatest passions is awakening in her students a curiosity and enthusiasm for the gravity-defying story of Jewish survival through its astonishing, millennia-long saga.

Mrs. Ilana Heymann
Science and Physical Education
E: iheymann@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Ilana Heymann
Science and Physical Education
Mrs. Heymann joined BAS in September, 2020. A graduate of the Concurrent Education program at York University, Ilana holds a B.A. in Sociology and a B.Ed in Intermediate/Senior Education. She has qualifications in French, Social Sciences, Special Education and Junior Education and is an active member of Ontario College of Teachers. During her time at York, Ilana was actively involved in her campus Hillel and with OU-JLIC where she worked to strengthen the campus Jewish community through holiday events, chessed and community outreach. She was elected to represent the undergraduate students on the University Board of Governors and interacted with leaders from all parts of the York community. Ilana is very excited to bring her energy and experiences to the Bnei Akiva Schools family.

Mrs. Nicky Kagan
E: nkagan@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Nicky Kagan
Originally from South Africa, Mrs. Nicky Kagan has lived in Toronto for over 30 years. She has taught at Yeshivat Or Chaim since 1999, and held an administrative role from September, 2006 until June, 2019. Mrs. Kagan has principal certification and guidance qualifications. In 2006, she received a Teacher of Excellence Award. In previous years, she has also taught History, coordinated the Model UN team and overseen the yearbook committee. We are thrilled to continue to have Mrs. Kagan’s legendary teaching impacting students at Or Chaim in the classroom after her retirement from administration.

Mrs. Nathalie Katz
E: nkatz@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Nathalie Katz
Born in Moscow, Mrs. Nathalie Katz moved to Israel as a teen, and then to Canada. She attended high school and university in Toronto, graduating with a BSc majoring in Computer Science with a Certificate in Business and Accounting. Mrs. Katz worked in computer engineering at IBM before taking her computer and finance skills to for- and not-for-profit companies. Her interest in education inspired her to begin teaching high school Mathematics and Sciences at various levels for the last 15 years. She particularly enjoys developing her female students’ passions for the traditionally male-dominated fields of Engineering and Physics. In addition to running extracurriculars like Engineering and Coding clubs, and Waterloo Math Contest preparation groups, Mrs. Katz enjoys spending time with her kids, watching comedies, and reading.

Mrs. Shyndee Kestenbaum
Judaic Studies, Arts and Technology
E: skestenbaum@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Shyndee Kestenbaum
Judaic Studies, Arts and Technology
Mrs. Shyndee Kestenbaum has been working in the field of formal and informal Jewish education for the last 10 years. She worked at NCSY and Torah High, as a city director for Toronto NCSY and teacher of Jewish Philosophy, Jewish Ethics, Religious Studies and Israel Advocacy. She also spent many summers as an assistant director of Camp Etz Chaim in Moscow, Russia as well as Director of Jewish Programming in Camp Northland Bnai Brith. Mrs. Kestenbaum manages a graphic and media company and is of completing her MBA in marketing. She lives in Toronto with her five sons.

Rabbi Yosef Kurtz
Mashgiach Ruchani, Judaic Studies
E: ykurtz@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Yosef Kurtz
Mashgiach Ruchani, Judaic Studies
Rabbi Yosef Kurtz is a graduate of Yeshivat Or Chaim and has been teaching at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2015. After graduating from Yeshivat Or Chaim, Rabbi Kurtz studied at Yeshivat Hakotel for two years and completed his degree at York University. While at York, he discovered his passion for Jewish education and began working with NCSY Canada. Previously, Rabbi Kurtz taught Jewish Philosophy, Religious Studies and Jewish Ethics at Torah High. While working for NCSY, he completed an MBA at the Schulich School of Business, specializing in Marketing and Finance. In addition to teaching and managing religious programming, Rabbi Kurtz supervises the school’s JUMP team and oversees Israel Guidance. Rabbi Kurtz lives in Toronto with his wife Stephanie and daughters.

Ms. Sarah Latowsky
Student Support
E: slatowsky@bastoronto.org
Ms. Sarah Latowsky
Student Support
Ms. Sarah Latowsky has held various roles as an educator, including classroom teacher, private tutor, and executive functioning coach. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from McGill University and earned her Master of Arts in Child Study and Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Ms. Latowsky believes that all students can be successful and enjoys working alongside the team of incredible educators at Or Chaim.

Dr. Shlomit Levy
E: slevy@bastoronto.org
Dr. Shlomit Levy
Dr. Shlomit Levy has taught Science at BAS since 2008 and has passionately engaged in science education for the last twenty years. Prior to her move to Toronto, she taught Pathology and Anatomy in the New York/American Program at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine in Tel-Aviv University. Dr. Levy received her B.Sc. with honors from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Honors M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Anatomy and Pathology from Tel-Aviv University, M.B.A. with distinction from Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, and authored articles in peer reviewed journals. During her postdoctoral studies at Mount Sinai Hospital, in Toronto, she was the recipient of the Samuel Lunenfeld Award and The Kidney Foundation Award. Dr. Levy aims to inspire the next generation of scientists by making science exciting, relevant and fun.

Rabbi Moshe Lexier
Judaic Studies
E: mlexier@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Moshe Lexier
Judaic Studies
Rabbi Moshe Lexier received his semicha from the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he studied for ten years. While in Israel he taught at yeshivot and utilized his musical talents to build a popular musical minyan in Givat HaMivtar. Most recently Rabbi Lexier worked in Detroit, where he worked in outreach, led choirs and established a day kollel for retirees. He now returns to his hometown with his wife and family, and looks forward to building personal connections and elevating the Yeshiva with his warmth, energy and a special musical flavour.

Mrs. Naomi Lidsky
English and Learning Strategies
E: nlidsky@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Naomi Lidsky
English and Learning Strategies
Born and raised in Toronto, Mrs. Naomi Lidsky is an alumna of Ulpana, and studied at York University before earning her Masters of Teaching from OISE at the University of Toronto. For 13 years prior to joining Bnei Akiva Schools, Naomi worked as a special education teacher, as well as a learning support coordinator and advisor. When she is not teaching, she is busy taking care of her amazing and energetic children, and volunteering in the community

Mrs. Rochelle Lipson
E: rlipson@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Rochelle Lipson
Mrs. Rochelle Lipson has been teaching Visual Arts at Ulpanat Orot since 2007 and is excited to be teaching at Yeshivat Or Chaim this year as well! She received her Specialized Honours Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from York University. Mrs. Lipson has also taught various courses at Eitz Chaim Schools. She initiated and has continued to organize the BAS Celebration of the Arts with Mr. Pascal, the Visual Arts teacher at Or Chaim, since 2009. Mrs. Lipson has also overseen joint creative projects with other schools. She continues to educate herself and works with various art media in order to grow artistically and pass that knowledge and creativity on to her students.

Mrs. Yael Lipson
History Department Head and Coordinator of Educational Development and Coaching
E: ylipson@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Yael Lipson
History Department Head and Coordinator of Educational Development and Coaching
Mrs. Yael Lipson has been working in education since 2013. Born and raised in Toronto, she is a product of the Jewish Day School system, and is passionate about the continuity of Jewish education and community. Yael graduated summa cum laude from York University with an Hons. B.A. in History. She then received her Bachelor of Education from OISE, University of Toronto. She has been teaching subjects ranging from English to Jewish History in the Jewish Day School system. Yael and her husband Michael (‘08), have four children.

Rabbi Elisha Mandel
Judaic Studies
E: emandel@bastoronto.org

Rabbi Shlomo Mandel
Judaic Studies
E: smandel@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Shlomo Mandel
Judaic Studies
Rabbi Shlomo Mandel joined the Judaic Studies faculty in 2021. In addition to his teaching duties, Rabbi Mandel is Director of NCSY Canada’s Jewish Student Union, overseeing the organization’s public-school programming, having previously served as City Director for NCSY Toronto. Rabbi Mandel also teaches classes for NCSY’s Torah High program and is Rabbi of 147 Elder Street, a local Jewish senior care residence. He completed his undergraduate degree in 2016, graduating summa cum laude from Touro University. Rabbi Mandel received his rabbinic ordination from the Orthodox Union in 2019 and most recently, in March 2021, received his MBA from the Quantic School of Business & Technology.

Rabbi Yehuda Mann
Rosh Beit Midrash, Beit Midrash Zichron Dov, and Judaic Studies
E: ymann@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Yehuda Mann
Rosh Beit Midrash, Beit Midrash Zichron Dov, and Judaic Studies
Rabbi Yehuda Mann grew up in Ra’anana, Israel. As a youth he was a counselor in Bnei Akiva and a volunteer at the Loewenstein Hospital where he taught and arranged chavrutot for rehabilitating patients. After high school he learned at Jerusalem’s Chevron Yeshiva under the guidance of some of the greatest Torah scholars of our time, and received the highest level of ordination given in Israel – “Rav Ha’ir” (City Rabbi). Rabbi Mann completed the seven-year dayyanut (rabbinical judge) program at the Harry Fischel Institute and has recently been interning in Gittin at the Jerusalem Beth Din, and in monetary law at the distinguished Beth Din of Rabbi Asher Weiss. Before coming to Toronto, Rabbi Mann served as rabbi of the Achdut Yisrael synagogue in Jerusalem, taught in several yeshivot and delivered seven weekly classes, including one on Israel radio. Rabbi Mann is married to Shulamit, a banker and finance advisor; together they have 4 adorable children. Rabbi Mann serves as the Rosh Beit Midrash of the Beit Midrash Zichron Dov, and as Assistant Rabbi at the Clanton Park Synaoguge.

Dr. Janna Nadler
E: jnadler@bastoronto.org
Dr. Janna Nadler
Dr. Janna Nadler teaches English at Bnei Akiva Schools and is also the Staff Yearbook Advisor. She has a Ph.D. in English from McMaster University and a B.Ed., Honours B.A., and M.A. from York University; all degrees were supported by merit-based scholarships. Before teaching at Bnei Akiva Schools, Dr. Nadler taught Canadian Literature and Children’s Literature at McMaster University and the University of Toronto. Dr. Nadler is also a well-known speaker and book reviewer for book club groups throughout the G.T.A. She is the creator/director of Book Clubs by Janna (www.JannaReads.com). Dr. Nadler and her husband, Michael, have three children, Maya, Jordan, Aliza and a dog named Bagel.

Mr. Efi Palvanov
Science Department Head
E: epalvanov@bastoronto.org
P: 416-630-6772 ext. 328
Mr. Efi Palvanov
Science Department Head
Mr. Efi Palvanov studied biology and chemistry at York University, earned his Bachelor of Education at the University of Toronto, and learned at Aish HaTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Before joining Bnei Akiva Schools, Mr. Palvanov taught at Ner Israel Yeshiva of Toronto for seven years and was the head of its science department. Mr. Palvanov is also a curriculum developer and has built a number of unique high school courses in science, philosophy, history, and Jewish studies. He is the author of several books and two popular blogs. Mr. Palvanov has a passion for Jewish mysticism and for adventure. He has traveled extensively around the world and has served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Mrs. Arlene Ripsman
Mathematics and Coding
E: aripsman@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Arlene Ripsman
Mathematics and Coding
Since 2007 Mrs. Arlene Ripsman has been a member of the faculty at Ulpana and Or Chaim, where she teaches Mathematics and Computer Science. Mrs. Ripsman earned her Honours B.Sc. in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Toronto. Prior to joining Bnei Akiva Schools, she worked for an actuarial consulting firm for seven years before returning to university to study Computer Science. Mrs. Ripsman received her Honours B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from York University. Over the course of her academic career, Mrs. Ripsman had an opportunity to teach at both the University of Toronto and York University. It was through these activities that Mrs. Ripsman discovered her passion for teaching. She brings this passion for teaching to her day-to-day responsibilities at Bnei Akiva Schools.

Dr. Zahava Rosenberg-Yunger
Learning Strategist

Ms. Esther Rutledge
E: erutledge@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 228
Ms. Esther Rutledge
Ms. Esther Rutledge has been working in the field of formal and informal education for the last 18 years. She taught in various private high schools and in administrative roles with NCSY and Torah High. She has a B.Ed and Masters in Education and has decided to return to the classroom to bring the joy of learning math to students. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with family, reading and going on vacations. She is a mother of four children, three boys and a girl.

Mr. Eric Saltsman
English, Humanities, Director of Educational Technology and Advancement
E: esaltsman@bastoronto.org
Mr. Eric Saltsman
English, Humanities, Director of Educational Technology and Advancement
Mr. Eric Saltsman has an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies and Classics from Dalhousie University and a Master of Teaching degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at U of T. Mr. Saltsman’s approach to education is centred around demonstrating how subject matter can be used in real-world application and he constantly finds ways to appeal to the interests of his students. He believes that the age-old adage, “you learn something new every day” is a remarkable understatement. Since joining in 2016, Mr. Saltsman has enjoyed exploring the nuances of the English language with the bright young minds at Bnei Akiva Schools.

Ms. Sarena Silver
E: ssilver@bastoronto.org
Ms. Sarena Silver
Ms. Sarena Silver has been working in education since 2005. She was raised in Ottawa, and before moving to Toronto in 2007, she lived in Montreal and Vancouver, where she received her BSc from McGill University and her BEd from the University of British Columbia. Ms. Silver has been teaching Math and French throughout her teaching career in Vancouver and Toronto. When not at work, she likes spending time with her puppy and enjoying the outdoors.

Mr. Gord Skarott
Health and Physical Education
E: gskarott@bastoronto.org
Mr. Gord Skarott
Health and Physical Education
Mr. Gord Skarott has been a Physical Education teacher and Athletic Director at Or Chaim since 2002. A graduate of Brock University, Mr. Skarott emphasizes fitness and exercise in his classes and his personal life. He has worked as a personal trainer and regularly competes in long distance endurance events such as marathons and triathlons, including three Ironman events. Mr. Skarott takes his enthusiasm and love of physical activity into each class and finds new ways for his students to have fun while being active. He is also involved in extracurricular activities, acting as the head coach of Or Chaim’s cross country running team, soccer team in each of the last 12 years and has added tennis and flag football when our schedule has allowed. He enjoys being a positive element in his students’ day and hopes the skills they learn in his class will stay with them into adulthood.

Ms. Leora Sterlin
E: lsterlin@bastoronto.org
Ms. Leora Sterlin
Ms. Leora Sterlin is a trained lawyer who received her law degree from the University of Western Ontario, and her Masters of Law from the London School of Economics. In 2002 she switched careers and went to York University to complete a Bachelors of Education. She taught at Bialik Hebrew Day School for many years, and then in 2012 combined her passion for law and for teaching, and moved to teach Law at TanenbaumCHAT. Ms. Sterlin has been teaching at Bnei Akiva Schools since 2016.

Mr. Michael Teversham
E: mteversham@bastoronto.org
Mr. Michael Teversham
For the past 15 years, Mr. Michael Teversham has been sharing his knowledge and sense of humour with students at both Yeshivat Or Chaim and Ulpanat Orot, teaching History and other Social Sciences. Educated at the University of Toronto, the University of Southern California and State University of New York, Mr. T enjoyed a screenwriting career prior to teaching, working on a variety of television shows now only found on YouTube or in Germany. Mr. T strives to instill a love of learning in his students, improve their verbal and written skills and make the classroom experience as fun as it can be. When not in the classroom, the girls enjoy discussing current events with him in the hallway, and the boys enjoy playing basketball intramurals alongside Mr. T.

Mrs. Kendra Thompson
E: kthompson@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Kendra Thompson
After 13 years physically teaching at Bnei Akiva Schools, Mrs. Thompson continues as an online instructor, after returning home to New Brunswick. Prior to joining Bnei Akiva Schools in 2006, Mrs. Thompson taught for eight years in the middle school at Netivot HaTorah and one year in New Brunswick. While at Bnei Akiva Schools, Mrs. Thompson taught a variety of subjects including English, Math, Drama and History. She has a B.A. and B.Ed. with honours from the University of New Brunswick, an Honours Specialist qualification in history from OISE and an Intermediate math qualification from York Univeristy. Mrs. Thompson created a girls’ running team at Ulpanat Orot that competed in the 5K Hannukah Hustle in Hamilton and the Sporting Life 10K in Toronto.

Rabbi Jeff Turtel
Judaic Studies
E: jturtel@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Jeff Turtle
Judaic Studies
Born and raised in Toronto, Rabbi Jeff Turtel has been involved, formally and informally, in Jewish education for over two decades. Prior to joining BAS, he taught Talmud and Torah Shebe’al Peh at TanenbaumCHAT, where he served as Department Head and developed curricula. Post-high school, Rabbi Turtel studied for several years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel and upon his return to Canada, he attended the University of Toronto, specializing in Computer Science and Economics. After working as head computer programmer for a prominent investment firm, Rabbi Turtel decided to follow his passion for Torah learning and went to study at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (the yeshiva arm of Yeshiva University). At YU, he received semicha and completed a Masters degree in Education. Currently, in addition to teaching high school, Rabbi Turtel delivers community shiurim and runs an investment firm, BEMCO Financial Services Ltd. Rabbi Turtel and his wife, Orly (Karoly ’00) have five children, Kobi, Ahuva, David, Rachella and Elisha. Rabbi Turtel is excited to be part of the Yeshivat Or Chaim team where he enjoys sharing his love for Torah and Judaism.

Ms. Sarah Zahavi
Art & Technology, English; Art Department Head and Graphic Designer
E: szahavi@bastoronto.org
Ms. Sarah Zahavi
Art & Technology, English; Art Department Head and Graphic Designer
An Ulpana graduate, Ms. Sarah Zahavi is excited to be back at Bnei Akiva Schools teaching Arts and as the school’s graphic designer. She has a Bachelor of Technology from Toronto Metropolitan University, with a concentration in Publishing and a minor in Communication Design. In addition to teaching at Ulpana, Ms. Zahavi is a design associate for The Canadian Jewish News and an amateur gardener and sourdough baker.
Shlichim and Shlichot

Rabbi Benji Berger
Bnei Akiva Shaliach, Judaic Studies
E: bberger@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Benji Berger
Bnei Akiva Shaliach, Judaic Studies
Rabbi Benji Berger is in Toronto on Shlichut with Bnei Akiva and will be teaching at YOC. He comes with his wife, Nechama, and their four children. Before and after his army service as a commander in the Givati Brigade’s “Rimon” Unit, Rabbi Berger learned in Yeshivat Shavei Hevron. Rabbi Berger has a B.A. in Educational Administration & Leadership and Linguistics, and an M.A. in Education Administration & Leadership. He completed practical training for rabbis, educators and spiritual leaders for the diaspora through the Straus-Amiel Institute and Ohr Torah Stone. For the past two years he has worked for Bnei Akiva Israel as the Director of Amishav, a program for assisting Olims’ integration into Bnei Akiva. He has over 8 years of experience as a Rav and a teacher. Prior to his shlichut he has spent his summers at Moshava IO and spent a few weeks at Ennismore this summer. Rabbi Berger enjoys playing various sports and cooking when he has the time and loves quality time with family.

Mrs. Nechama Berger
Bnei Akiva Shaliach
E: nberger@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Nechama Berger
Bnei Akiva Shaliach
Mrs. Nechama Berger is in Toronto on Shlichut with Bnei Akiva. She comes with her husband, Benji, and their four children. Mrs. Berger has completed courses through Ben Gurion University in Health Education. She has worked in both administrative roles, and formal and informal education. Mrs. Berger ran programming for American seminaries, summer camps and youth movements both in Israel and the United States. Mrs. Berger is also a professional makeup artist. Prior to her shlichut she has spent summers at Moshava IO and spent a few weeks at Ennismore this summer. She loves spending time with family and dancing when she can.

Ms. Shachar Bulvik
Young Shlicha
E: sbulvik@bastoronto.org
Ms. Shachar Bulvik
Young Shlicha
Since 2016, Shachar has been working in the youth movement and kibbutz education for Kibbutz Lavi. With a background in a wide variety of subjects, Shachar is excited to join Ulpanat Orot as a young shlicha and is looking forward to making her impact on the school.

Ms. Roni Cohen
Young Shlicha
E: rochen@bastoronto.org
Ms. Roni Cohen
Young Shlicha
Roni is a fourth-year student at the Orot Israel College in Elkanah, and she is pursuing a degree in Education, ESL, and Tanach Specialization. During her years of National Service, Roni guided classes of children with special needs and students of diverse backgrounds. She has worked with students of all ages, from kindergarten to high school. Roni is excited to meet the girls at Ulpana!

Mrs. Aleeza Kharilkar
Judaic Studies
E: alkharilkar@bastoronto.org

Rabbi Avishai Kharilkar
Judaic Studies
E: akharilkar@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Avishai Kharilkar
Judaic Studies
Born and raised in Yavne, Israel, Rabbi Avishai Kharilkar has dedicated the past seven years to the field of education. He spent five years studying in Yeshivat Hameeiri, and Machon Meir in Jerusalem. He has his B.Ed from Lifshitz College and his M.Ed from Orot College in Education Managment and Administration. He subsequently assumed the role of a specialist teacher in Bat Yam. For the past three years, he has been fulfilling the role of a mechanech, guiding Grade 12 teens at risk in Sanhedria. Avishai’s commitment to personal growth is evident in his recent accomplishments. In anticipation of his forthcoming shlichut, he successfully completed World Mizrachi’s two-year Shalhevet program, and is actively engaged in its rabbinical semicha program, Musmachim. Beyond his profound dedication to the realm of education, Avishai finds joy in surfing, playing basketball, and spending quality time with his wife and daughters.

Mr. Gil Kovshi
Young Shaliach
E: gkovshi@bastoronto.org
Mr. Gil Kovshi
Young Shaliach
Having completed his studies in computer science with high honours, Gil Kovshi has been continuing his studies at the High Yeshiva while also making time for his various extracurriculars and volunteering—he has completed a medic course, volunteered in agriculture and with Magen David Adom, and is very involved with Bnei Akiva. Gil is looking forward to connecting with Or Chaim students and making an impact in the field of education.

Rabbi Aviad Pituchey-Chotam
Judaic Studies and Dean, Beit Midrash Zichron Dov
Rabbi Aviad Pituchey-Chotam
Judaic Studies and Dean, Beit Midrash Zichron Dov
Rabbi Aviad Pituchey Chotam is a seasoned Limudei Kodesh educator and experienced Shaliach, currently serving also as Dean of BMZD and returning for his second Shlichut in Toronto. With a strong foundation in Jewish education, Rabbi Pituchey Chotam has held key roles at various institutions including the educational department of Ohr Torah Stone, the Straus-Amiel | Beren Amiel Institute where he trained future Shlichim, and Hebraica Hertzl-Bialik School in Caracas, Venezuela. His expertise in Tanach curriculum development, coupled with a passion for fostering Jewish identity, has been instrumental in his work at Yeshivat Har Etzion and Gesher Educational Center. As a dedicated educator and innovator, Rabbi Pituchey Chotam has successfully integrated technology and new media into Jewish studies and Ivrit program, and built a strong partnerships with Herzog and Shaanan Colleges to enhance the Young Shlichim program.

Mrs. Hodaya Pituchey-Chotam
Judaic Studies
Mrs. Hodaya Pituchey-Chotam
Judaic Studies
Mrs. Hodaya Pituchey Chotam is thrilled to return to Toronto for her second Shlichut at BAS. Combining her passion for education with her talent for interior design and architecture, she brings a unique perspective to the Ulpana. Prior to joining BAS, Mrs. Pituchey Chotam taught Ivrit and Judaic Studies at Hebraica Hertzl-Bialik School in Caracas, Venezuela, and served as a counselor for overseas students at Midreshet Eshel in Jerusalem. She also held a teaching position at Am Yisrael Echad’s schools, where she [specify role]. Her dedication to community service is evident through her Sheirut Leumi at the Halabi Syrian community in New York and her role as Coordinator of the Israeli branch of Bnei Akiva. At BAS, Mrs. Pituchey Chotam enriches the learning environment through her Ivrit classes and creative hallway displays featuring Torah and current Israeli news.

Mr. Kfir Rosenberg
Young Shaliach
E: krosenberg@bastoronto.org
Mr. Kfir Rosenberg
Young Shaliach
After witnessing the positive impact of shlichim in Melbourne, Kfir Rosenberg is excited to bring his enthusiasm and dynamism as a shaliach to Bnei Akiva Schools. A student of Yeshivat Har Etzion, he is devoted to Torah learning and regularly volunteers in his community. A former Madrich in Bnei Akiva, Kfir is looking forward to building strong relationships with Or Chaim students and gaining new experiences in Canada.

Rabbi Bentzi Shor
Judaic Studies
E: bshor@bastoronto.org
Rabbi Benzi Shor
Judaic Studies
Rabbi Bentzi Shor joins us on shlichut from Ma’ale Adumim, with his wife Esther and their four children. For six years, he has been a fellow in the Manhigut Toranit Program, a joint venture of World Mizrachi and Eretz Hemdah, where he studied for and received semicha and advanced semicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. During his army service in the IDF, he served as a platoon sergeant in the Netzach Yehuda Battalion of the Kfir Infantry Brigade.

Mrs. Esther Shor
Judaic Studies
E: eshor@bastoronto.org
Mrs. Esther Shor
Judaic Studies
Originally from Geneva, Switzerland, Mrs. Esther Shor made aliyah together with her family when she was eleven years old. She has a B.Ed. in History and Tanach, and taught for seven years at the Amit Ma’ale Adumim High School. Mrs. Shor was a Madricha and later a Komonarit at her hometown Snif in Ramat Beit Shemesh, and served as Komonarit of Moshav Berchia Snif (near Ashkelon) for her Sherut Leumi. For the past six years, Mrs. Shor has been part of the World Mizrachi / Eretz Hemdah Manhigut Toranit Program, where she completed courses in preparation for the shlichut, including Hadrachat Kalot of the Puah Institute.

Rabbi AZ Thau
Judaic Studies
E: azthau@bastoronto.org
Rabbi AZ Thau
Judaic Studies
Raised in West Hempstead, New York, Rabbi Avraham Zvi (AZ) Thau is a graduate of DRS Yeshiva High School. Post-high school Rabbi Thau studied at Yeshivat Hakotel where, after one year, he made Aliyah and joined its Hesder program, serving in Shiryon (tank corps) of the IDF during Operation Protective Edge (Tzuk Eitan). While completing his studies at Hakotel, he served as Rosh Madrichim of the overseas students, Associate and Educational Director of the Hakotel Bergman Family Leadership Program, and Jerusalem Chapter Director of NCSY Israel. Rabbi Thau received his B.A. in Business and Management from Jerusalem College of Technology (Machon Lev) and his rabbinical ordination from World Mizrachi. He is excited to come to Toronto on shlichut with his wife Hadassah and their children.
Development Office

Ms. Tamara Colodny
Development Coordinator
E: tcolodny@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 267
Ms. Tamara Colodny
Development Coordinator
Tamara Colodny Velichover joined the Development Office in 2016. With a keen attention to detail and a passion for coordinating special events, Tamara is excited to support the generous donors of Bnei Akiva Schools. Her role includes managing fundraising events such as the IKO Charity Golf Tournament, as well as processing donations and pledges. Prior to joining Bnei Akiva Schools, Tamara has worked in marketing and public relations roles for 13 years. Tamara and her husband, Lior, live in Thornhill and have two children.

Mrs. Aubrey Freedman
Director of Special Projects
E: afreedman@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-677 ext. 248
Mrs. Aubrey Freedman
Director of Special Projects
Mrs. Aubrey Freedman, originally from New Jersey, has built a robust career in marketing and events over the past 15 years. With a background in Fashion Marketing, her professional journey took a meaningful turn toward education and community development after she started her family. Now residing in Toronto with her husband and their four boys, Aubrey is deeply passionate about community work and is dedicated to strengthening the Toronto Jewish community.

Mr. Eitan Markus
Community and Alumni Engagement Coordinator
E: emarkus@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 249
Mr. Eitan Markus
Community and Alumni Engagement Coordinator
A proud Or Chaim alumnus, Mr. Eitan Markus holds a Specialized Honours iBA in Linguistics and Language Studies from the Glendon College of York University. He has a wealth of experience in the worlds of both formal and informal education, having worked in school, camp, and university settings. Eitan has a background in communications, club leadership, and customer service, and has studied five languages to various levels of conversational fluency. Eitan is very excited to join the BAS team as the Alumni and Community Engagement Coordinator.
Business and Education Office

Ms. Nomi Barancik
Administrative Assistant, Ulpanat Orot
E: nbarancik@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 432

Mrs. Marni Cohen
Accounting Assistant
E: mcohen@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 248
Mrs. Marni Cohen
Marni Cohen recently joined the Business Office at the start of 2025. With over 20 years of experience in business, focusing on accounting and bookkeeping, she brings a wealth of expertise to her new role. Marni holds a Bachelor of Commerce from York University and a Marketing Diploma from Seneca Polytechnic. Eager to contribute to her community, she is excited to bring her skills to Bnei Akiva Schools. Marni and her husband, Isaac, reside in Toronto, where they enjoy the company of their two adult children and two fur-babies.

Mrs. Gabriella Green
Administrative Assistant, Yeshivat Or Chaim
E: ggreen@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 231

Mrs. Shoshana Gottfried
Administrative Coordinator, Ulpanat Orot
E: sgottfried@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 431

Ms. Shani Halperin
Administrative Assistant, Yeshivat Or Chaim
E: shalperin@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 239

Ms. Julie Ho
E: jho@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 246

Mrs. Esther Mendlowitz
Manager, Business Administration
E: emendlowitz@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 241
Mrs. Esther Mendlowitz
Manager, Business Administration
Mrs. Esther Mendlowitz has a Bachelor of Science and a Master’s of Business Administration. Her previous work experience was in the financial industry in insurance and financial management. Since June 2013, Esther has served as the Manager of Business Administration at Bnei Akiva Schools. In that capacity, she manages the operations of the school, overseeing the business office, general operations, tuition and subsidy matters.

Mrs. Geoula Osipov
E: gosipov@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 234
Mrs. Geoula Osipov
Mrs. Geoula Osipov graduated with honours from business schools both in Israel and in Canada. Bringing over thirty years of experience in the accounting field, she joined Bnei Akiva Schools’ business office as controller in the spring of 2011. Mrs. Osipov lives in Thornhill with her husband, is the mother of two adult children, and is a proud grandmother of five!

Mrs. Soheila Sabeti
Executive Assistant to Rosh Yeshiva & Head of School
E: ssabeti@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 235
Mrs. Soheila Sabeti
Executive Assistant to Rosh Yeshiva & Head of School
Mrs. Soheila Sabeti is an educational administrator with 22 years of experience in the Jewish Day School system in Toronto. Mrs. Sabeti has held senior positions in Admissions, Marketing, Operations and Educational Management and worked in both Elementary and High School levels. She joined Bnei Akiva Schools as a Development Associate in 2018, working on community outreach projects and publications. Mrs. Sabeti holds a B.Sc. and an M.D. in Family Medicine. She is married with three adult children and two grandchildren.

Mr. Daniel Sternfels
Operations Manager
E: dsternfels@bastoronto.org
P: (416) 630-6772 ext. 233
Mr. Daniel Sternfels
Operations Manager
Daniel Sternfels is our Operations Manager responsible for maintenance, IT, and custodial services at Bnei Akiva Schools. Daniel has a B.Sc. (Honours) in Hotel Administration from Cornell University, as well as an MBA. He brings to BAS an operations and management background in the hospitality, airline, and educational fields, having worked in Canada, the US, and Latin America. Since joining Bnei Akiva Schools, Daniel has overseen renovation, security, and lease-hold improvement projects, and chairs the government-mandated Joint Health and Safety Committee. Daniel's goal is to create and maintain a proactive, safe, and responsive environment where staff, faculty, and students can fulfill their roles effectively. He is married to Nancy and has two adult daughters and two grandchildren.
Facilities Staff

Mr. Steve Hystek
Building Maintenance
E: steve@bastoronto.org

Mr. Alket Nicka
E: anicka@bastoronto.org

Mrs. Losana Nicka
Custodian, Ulpanat Orot